Monday at 8 PM ET/7 PM CT
After Christ explained that marriage is God-given and then placed limits on divorce, the astonished disciples wondered whether it is better not to marry at all. We will discuss the Lord's response along with Orthodox teaching on divorce.
Listen to Past EpisodesTuesday at 8 PM ET/7 PM CT
Acquiring relationship skills and tools is the practical side of Christ-centered relationships and family life. George will offer a handful of essential relationship skills that are vital to cultivating healthy relationships within the family.
Listen to Past EpisodesTuesday at 9 PM ET/8 PM CT
Fr. Thomas is joined by Dr. Daniel Hinshaw, author of Journey to Simplicity: The Life and Wisdom of Archimandrite Roman Braga, who suffered persecution for Christ in communist Romania.
Listen to Past EpisodesSunday at 7 PM ET/6 PM CT
At 16, Wadeed fell in love with Youth Equipped to Serve's mission of loving and serving all people. He is now the new Director of YES, the FOCUS ministry dedicated to creating formative opportunities that equip participants to serve each person as the image of Christ.
Listen to Past EpisodesSunday at 8 PM ET/7 PM CT
Orthodoxy Live with Fr. Evan Armatas offers listeners an opportunity to ask pointed questions about the Orthodox Church. Perfect for seekers, converts, and cradle Orthodox Christians alike, this program is your chance to ask the tough questions about the Orthodox faith.
Listen to Past Episodes