How should Christian people prepare for death—their own and that of loved ones? No question can be more important than this, since death is the final reality of our earthly life. Deacon Mark Barna, the co-author of A Christian Ending: A Handbook for Burial in the Ancient Christian Tradition, has been preparing Orthodox Christians for burial without a professional funeral director for nearly ten years. He and his wife and co-author Elizabeth cared for three of their parents in their home for nearly seven years. In this podcast, they share their knowledge and experience of end-of-life issues, as well as how to organize and prepare for a parish-directed funeral with or without the help of a professional funeral director.
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The Vigil
Dn. Mark discusses transporting the body of the recently deceased, the burial, and the vigil.
Monday, July 31, 2017
Preparing a Body for Burial
Dn. Mark explains exactly what needs to be done when preparing a body for burial.
Monday, July 31, 2017
Initial Preparation of a Body for Burial
Dn. Mark enumerates the things you'll need to have ready to prepare a body for burial and explains what to expect when you encounter a dead body.
Friday, June 3, 2016
On the premier episode of his new podcast, Dn. Mark Barna discusses the Orthodox perspective on cremation.
Thursday, March 3, 2016
A Christian Ending
Dn. Mark Barna concludes his podcast on rediscovering ancient Christian burial customs for the modern world with this 66-minute introduction to his all-day workshop on the topic.