You’re connected to the Pilgrims from Paradise podcast with Matthew Gallatin. Matthew is the author of Thirsting For God in a Land of Shallow Wells published by Ancient Faith Publishing.
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Sola Scriptura and Philosophical Christianity - Part 3
Matthew notes how Eastern Orthodox Christians possess both the light (scriptures) and the path (ascetic, sacramental experiences).
Thursday, December 30, 2021
Sola Scriptura And Philosophical Christianity - Part 2
Matthew continues his examination of sola scriptura and contrasts it with the Apostles decision regarding the circumcision of gentiles.
Thursday, December 30, 2021
Sola Scriptura And Philosophical Christianity - Part 1
Matthew examines the Orthodox Church's beliefs concerning the Scriptures and its teachings regarding Holy Tradition.
Thursday, December 30, 2021
The Wise Thief
Matthew contemplates the crowd at Christ's crucifixion and how only one understood what was truly happening.
Thursday, December 30, 2021
Christian Pluralism - Part 4
In the final part of this series, Matthew shows how unity is not only possible, but already exists.